Anatomy of Shipping

Since this course was introduced in 1978, over 2000 participants have found the programme to be a convenient and effective way of learning about the business of shipping. With an international flavour and structured approach, there are many benefits to be gained from participation, including: sharing specialised experience of lecturers and participants, gaining knowledge of impending problems, developing leadership potential and analysing problems at an international level. In additional participants will receive a comprehensive set of lecture notes that will serve as a useful reference source long after leaving Cambridge.

The programme is offered twice annually, in the Spring and Autumn and is based around a series of lectures, group discussions and workshops.

Programme highlights

  • Shipping markets: liner, tanker, bulk, gas & cruise
  • Geo-political and economic change
  • Acquiring and financing vessels
  • Information technology & telecommunications
  • Ship management: commercial & technical
  • Commercial and international law of the sea

Book Now

The programme is residential and the fee of £8,400 (£7,000 plus £1,400 UK Value Added Tax) covers tuition, documentation, private en-suite accommodation at the venue, all meals and a social programme. A rendezvous has been arranged at a central London hotel following which there is complimentary transport to Cambridge. At the conclusion of the course, complimentary transport back to London is also available.

Course information

7-19 April 2024
Madingley Hall, Cambridge

Madingley Hall

To download a programme giving fuller details of the Spring course,  click here.

For a Booking Form,  click here.

1—13 September 2024
Selwyn College, Cambridge

Selwyn College

Selwyn College

To download a programme giving fuller details of the Autumn course,  click here.

For a Booking Form,  click here.

Course Fee

The fully inclusive course fee of £8,400 covers tuition, documentation, accommodation in private en-suite rooms, all meals and a socialprogramme.