LNG Freight Trading and Commercial Operations — Singapore

This course has evolved out of the original 'Anatomy of LNG Shipping & Operations' course, that launched in 2018, and has appealed to numerous senior and middle-level commercial and operations staff alike.

LNG is a critical source of energy for both environmental and geo-political reasons, and is now entering a commoditisation phase. This course offers a full understanding of the critical role of ocean-transport across the LNG Value Chain.

Dedicated cargo containment and equipment, boil-off gas management and choices in propulsion systems affect voyage and deal economics and in turn present arbitrage opportunities between the main pricing models. This in turn requires a precise understanding of the intricacies of vessel management, voyage operations, Charter Party formats and their clauses — a failure to do so will lead to profit leakage and commercial disputes.

Who Should Attend?

Because of its all-encompassing scope, delivered by highly experienced industry practitioners, this course will appeal right across the entire LNG value chain:

  • Suppliers, Importers, Portfolio Optimisers and Commodity Traders
  • Vessel Owners, Managers, Charterers and related service providers
  • Terminal Operators, Legislators and Project Advisors
  • Financial Institutions, Auditors, Insurers and Claims Handlers

Past attendees include senior leaders as well as mid-level executives from across the globe, spanning a broad range of responsibilities: general management, trading, ship owning and chartering, voyage and deal operations, finance and project planning.

Benefits of the Course

Now in its 6th year, the course has evolved, reflecting the fast-moving global LNG market place. Past participants reflected favourably on their learning experience; knowledgeable delivery, facilitation of a trusting environment that encourages questions. Lecturers challenge participants' understanding, probe deeply into issues of the day and help pose solutions to problems faced in their own business environment.

Programme Highlights

Numerous learning sessions connect Technology, Infrastructure, Cargo Handling and Operations to provide an understanding of the legislative and environmental framework:

  • Cargo Containment, Equipment and (Custody) Transfer Operations
  • Propulsion Systems and their Environmental and Technological Challenges
  • Floating and land-based infrastructure — design evolution and limitations
  • Risk, Insurance, Assurance, Safety Framework and the roles of various NGOs

This leads to commercially oriented sessions, providing a full insight into LNG ocean transport costs, which party is responsible for them, and how this interacts with contracting and pricing models which in turn determine changing global trade flows:

  • Vessel CAPEX and OPEX and how this sets (term hire) rate floors
  • Freight vs Hire vs Unit Cost: LNG specific Voyage vs Deal Economics
  • Calculating Time Charter Equivalent as measure of Asset Utilisation, Optimisation Strategies, Freight Risk Hedging, Book and Cost Allocation
  • Charter Party Formats and in-depth review of LNG specific terms
  • Quality and Quantity (Q&Q) and time-loss (demurrage) disputes and pathways to their resolution
  • LNG Pricing and Arbitrage and the "myth" of a spot freight market

LNG Carrier

Course information

3-6 March 2025
M Hotel Singapore

M Hotel

Course venue and fee

The venue for the course is the M Hotel in Singapore — part of the Millennium Hotel Group. The fee is USD4,800 which includes all documentation, light refreshments and lunch each day. Accommodation is NOT included but is available at the venue or one of the many hotels located nearby.

Further information on this programme or to register your interest, contact:
Registrations Department
Cambridge Academy of Transport
11 Hinton Way
Great Shelford
Cambridge CB22 5AX
Email: You must enable JavaScript to see this e-mail address.

Programme and Booking Form

To download a programme giving fuller details of the course,  click here.

For a Booking Form,  click here.

Course Leader: Paul Veldhuizen

Paul VeldhuizenPaul Veldhuizen started his career sailing with Shell Tankers in the early 1980's. After several years, he left fleet service in order to complete an MSc in International Shipping at Plymouth University.

He re-joined Shell as Business Analyst with Shell International Marine (now part of STASCO), moved first to chartering crude and product tankers and then to LPG trading and chartering. After a number of postings with Shell overseas affiliates, Paul returned to London in 2010 and took up the role of Operations and Business Development Manager for a fleet of 15 oil and 60 LNG tankers that Shell managed in-house.

Taking retirement from Shell in July 2017 Paul has continued to develop his association with the LNG trade having led many in-person courses and virtual training sessions with Cambridge Academy of Transport. In 2018 he founded Vitrea Consulting to continue to expand his activities in the training and consulting field with specific focus on the international LNG business.